Welcome to My Web Page.
I attend the Ashley-Brian School of Art and attempt a variety of techniques. Major among these are bronzes which can be wall mounted in kitchens or on garden/patio walls. These are fun sculptures which are intended to bring a smile to each location.
Recently I have enjoyed using pastels to draw portraits and am now trying them on a seascape.
Here is some of my art.

David. Pastel on paper.
Sarah. Pastel on paper.
Pete. Pastel on paper.



Monty Don


Hippo installation

Hand with Pearl

Hand with Pearl

Hand with Cricket Ball

Hippo clay

Bronze Self Portrait

Clay Self Portrait

Charcoal on wood sketch.

Still Life


Purple Lady

Pensive Pig

Complacent Cow


Complacent Cow

The Clown

Vase of Flowers





Blue Lady

Greeen Lady


Painted Lady



Philip Jackson works on Bobby Moore Statue.

Goodbye Moon

Moon Set

Self Portrait

Yellow Turban

Still Life
Mike. Pastels.
Cat. Charcoal on paper.
Nude. Charcoal and chalk.
Mouse. Charcoal on paper.
Still Life. Pastel on paper.
Molly. Pastel on paper.
Dancers. Pastel on paper.
Thankyou for looking at my art. I would welcome your feedback.
Here is some more about my art:-
I am lucky to live in a Sussex village tucked under the Downs. This gives me the space and tranquility to work on my art. Although bronzes form a major part of my work I do love working with pastels and have produced several pastel works along with charcoal and chalk. Jane Ashley-Brian has taught me how to express myself in various media but especially in pastel. Jane is not only an accomplished teacher but a successful artist and I can only reccomend visiting her webpage to view her art. https://www.ashleybrianart.co.uk/
I have taken several commissionns for my bronzes. These are produced to a high quality by some highly skilled personnel at Sculpture Castings in Basingstoke. https://www.sculpturecastings.co.uk/
Exhibitions I have attended have been mainly at the Ashley-Brian studio but I recently joined the Petersfield Arts and Crafts group and exhibited in thier Summer Exhibition 2022. My Hand with Pearl was given a commendation. I hope to attend future exhibitions.